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- Keyword for The Sun Tarot Card
- Symbolism and Imagery of The Sun Tarot Card
- Upright Meaning of The Sun Tarot Card
- Upright Sun Love Meaning
- Upright Sun Career and Money Meaning
- Upright Sun Home and Family Meaning
- Upright Sun Health Meaning
- Reversed Meaning of The Sun Tarot Card
- Reversed Sun Love Meaning
- Reversed Sun Career and Money
- Reversed Sun Home and Family Meaning
- Reversed Sun Health Meaning
- The Sun Tarot Meaning: FAQS
- Bask in The Warmth of The Sun
The Sun Tarot card is the 19th card of the major arcana. It is an extremely positive card, bringing the energy of success and enjoyment. So, what does the Sun mean in love, career, and family?
Keyword for The Sun Tarot Card
Upright Keywords:
- Success
- Enjoyment
- Good Health
- Freedom
- Fun
- Happiness
- Warmth
Reversed Keywords:
- Negativity
- Feeling Down
- Pessimism
- Lack of Enthusiasm
Symbolism and Imagery of The Sun Tarot Card
When wanting to understand the deep meaning of each Tarot card, it is important to spend time with the card, looking at its imagery. Does anything stick out to you? Do you feel a connection with a certain aspect of the card?
The Sun is a beautiful card. In traditional Tarot decks such as the Rider-Waite deck, it shows a child on a white horse in a walled garden. There are sunflowers lining the walls, with the sun looking on. The sun is shining, sending warmth out into the world.
The child represents a side of us that we all have. We can all have a child-like outlook on life, filled with joy and wonder. The Sun is asking us to embrace this side and enjoy everything that comes our way. The child is naked, with nothing to hide. He is safe under the watchful eye of the sun. The white horse further highlights the importance of a fresh and pure outlook on life.
It must be noted that the Sun comes after the Moon in most major arcana decks. We have gone through the anxiety and crisis of the Moon and the Sun has finally risen. We are protected now, with happiness and success on our way. There is safety and warmth under the sun.
Upright Meaning of The Sun Tarot Card
The Sun represents happiness and success. When appearing upright in a reading, know that your near future is going to be extremely enjoyable, with celebration and fulfillment coming your way. If you have had a difficult time recently, the Sun is telling you that things are changing.
The Sun wants us to remember to look on the bright side of things. Life is complicated, with so many ups and downs. But, it is time to manifest positive energy and to embrace the light of the sun. The sun is sending you strength and power, and it is time to celebrate who you are as a person!
The Sun card also gives you a boost of energy. You will feel younger, happier, and able to take on the world! Shake off that negativity and enjoy the sunshine. It will allow you to feel all your happiness.
The Sun also wants us to remember how we felt as a child. Can we learn from that now? A carefree attitude is needed right now, so listen to your inner child. Find wonder in the world around you and allow yourself to let go of any insecurities that are holding you back.
Upright Sun Love Meaning
When it comes to love, the Sun is a wonderful card to receive! If you are in a relationship, this card suggests that a time of happiness and enjoyment is coming up for you both. Perhaps things have been a bit difficult recently, with practical issues causing friction in your relationship. But, the Sun allows you to enter a new, relaxed phase of your relationship.
It is a time to remember all the wonderful things about your partner and to celebrate your love together. Any issues will soon be resolved, and romance will get a new lease of life.
If you are single, getting the Sun in a love reading suggests that romance may bloom! Keep sending out positive vibes into the world and you soon will get it back. Keep being you and allow yourself to be carefree when it comes to love. Your next relationship will be a lot of fun!
Upright Sun Career and Money Meaning
The Sun Tarot card is all about success, so getting it in a career and money reading is super exciting! Your goals are within reach right now, so keep on moving forward and you will soon achieve your dreams.
There will be new opportunities coming your way in regards to work, so remember to keep your mind open. It is important for you to keep shining and spreading your positivity at your workplace because your colleagues definitely need it! You are a really supportive person and can always cheer people up, and everyone around you really appreciates it.
In regards to finances, the Sun doesn’t necessarily mean that a big windfall is coming your way, but it does suggest that success and stability with money are on the horizon. Investments might be a good idea right now for you, so keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.
Upright Sun Home and Family Meaning
The Sun represents security in your home life. It suggests that you are in a good place right now, and you need to be grateful for this! Your friends and family are supporting you and are backing you all the way.
With the innocent energy of the Sun, perhaps it is time to connect with the children in your life? Spend time with young family members, having fun, and enjoying life! It will allow you to regain some of your child-like energy, seeing the world through young eyes.
Upright Sun Health Meaning
The Sun brings an abundance of energy and vitality, so it is a wonderful card to get in a healthy reading! Any health issues will soon be a thing of the past and you will feel a new lease of life in the coming months.
It is time to relax under the sun and recover from any health problems that you are facing. You may get a new buzz of energy that pushes you to start new healthy habits and working out more. Embrace this health kick and watch it transform you!
Reversed Meaning of The Sun Tarot Card
When the Sun appears reversed in a reading, it is often a reflection of your pessimism and sadness. Setbacks and disappointments might have filled your life right now, but instead of picking yourself up and trying again, you have resigned yourself to bitterness. You are feeling down and don’t seem to have much enthusiasm about anything right now.
The Tarot wants you to know that these problems that you have faced are only temporary, and things will get better. It is important to let go of pessimism and resentment and embrace a positive outlook on life. You must remember to look at the bright side of things, finding goodness where you can. Of course, I know that can be hard, but in order to survive, we must.
Take a good look at your attitude towards life and try to recognize negative thoughts. If you need to, I would strongly recommend seeing a professional talk about your negative thoughts if you can! Talking things through can really help you understand the processes that happen in your brain.
The Sun wants you to embrace your inner child, and not repress them! Let them come out and play, recall your hobbies and interests you had as a child. Remember fond childhood memories and try to reconnect with this carefree state of mind.
Reversed Sun Love Meaning
When a reversed Sun card appears in a love reading, it suggests that you are finding it hard to enjoy your love life right now. If you are in a relationship, this might mean that you are bored or fed up with your partner. This is not really their fault! You may just have forgotten all the good things about your partner, choosing to focus on the negativity instead.
The Tarot is asking you to make up your mind about your partner and see if you can move through this difficult time together. The grass is always greener, but remember to be grateful for what you have. It is time to bring back the romance!
If you are single, the reversed Sun suggests that you have an idea of love that nobody can really compete with. It seems that nobody is good enough for you, with potential partners always disappointing you in some way or another. You need to ask yourself; is this their fault or mine? Nobody is perfect and a relationship might not be the fairytale romance you have dreamt of. But it is better than a fairytale because it is real!
Reversed Sun Career and Money
In regards to your career, a reversed Sun suggests a pessimistic attitude towards work that is holding you back. There are issues that you have with your career but instead of dealing with them, you just tend to complain.
You need to be proactive in regards to your work life right now and make the changes that you want. Don’t resign yourself to a disappointing and boring job, but follow your dreams! Apply for the jobs you want and work towards your career goals.
When it comes to finances, a reversed Sun Tarot card is telling you that you worry too much about your money! Of course, money is important to life, but it isn’t everything. Take care of your finances, but do not get obsessed! Remember to enjoy life and the simple things that you experience every single day.
Reversed Sun Home and Family Meaning
When it comes to your home, friends, and family, a reversed Sun suggests that bad attitudes are harming relationships. You may be stuck in the past, resenting certain people for things that happened long ago.
The Tarot is telling you to release negativity and work on your happiness and the happiness of those around you. A positive attitude can make the world of difference when it comes to healing wounds! Take responsibility for your own attitudes and your own feelings in order to progress with those around you.
The Sun wants you the look on the bright side of things and to count your blessings. Your friends and family love you and want to support you. Allow them, and remember to support them in return.
Reversed Sun Health Meaning
A reversed Sun suggests that you might be worrying too much about your health, and this is making it a whole lot worse! If you currently have health troubles, you must try to have a positive attitude about recovery. Having a positive mental attitude can do wonders in helping you heal!
The reversed Sun suggests that you are susceptible to having health anxiety. If you worry a lot about having an array of health issues, you may want to get help and counseling for this anxiety.
The Sun Tarot Meaning: FAQS
The Sun is an amazing Tarot card and sends such positivity and warmth into the world. So, what are some FAQs about this major arcana Tarot card?
Question: What Does The Sun Tarot Card Mean?
Answer: The Sun Tarot card represents success and happiness. It suggests that good fortune and celebration are coming your way, with a strong message of positivity. It is time to reconnect with your inner child and enjoy life to the fullest.
Question: Is The Sun a Yes or No Card?
Answer: The Sun Tarot card is a very big yes! It is a super positive card that welcomes success and manifestation.
Question: What Element is Linked to The Sun Tarot Card?
Answer: The Sun is represented by the element of fire, reflecting the change that this Tarot card brings.
Bask in The Warmth of The Sun
The Sun is a super exciting card to get in a reading. It suggests that you are on the right track in life, with success and achievement just around the corner! When you find this success, remember to be proud of yourself and all that you have done to be where you are now.
Don’t forget your inner child and remember to enjoy the simple things in life. There is so much enjoyment to be had, so go out there and find it!
Continue reading:
The Moon Tarot Meaning: What Does It Really Mean?