Seven of Wands Meaning: Upright and Reversed

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The Seven of Wands will often appear in a reading when you are facing challenges. However, there is hope with this card, as it suggests that your perseverance will get you through the hard times! Let’s look at what the Seven of Wands means for love, life, career, and money.

The Seven of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Upright Keywords

  • Conflict
  • Challenges
  • Effort
  • Courage
  • Determinism
  • Protection
  • Standing up for your beliefs

Reversed Keywords

  • Giving up
  • Exhaustion
  • Struggle
  • Admitting defeat

Imagery and Symbolism of the Seven of Wands Tarot Card

Seven of Wands Meaning

When we are wanting to dive deep into the meaning of a certain Tarot card, it is really useful to look at its imagery and symbolism. When we work with traditional Rider-Waite style decks, the meaning of the card is typically depicted on it, and we can examine the different symbolism that is woven into the artwork.

The Seven of Wands shows us a person standing alone and tall, a wand in their hand. Around him are the six other wands stuck into the ground, pointing in different directions. The man seems to dominate the landscape, with the hills and river appearing small compared to him. He appears to be a giant, but his stance suggests that he is on uneven and unstable land.

He is holding the wand in his hand in a defensive pose, appearing to be defending himself against the other wands that symbolize his struggles and hardship.

The Wands Suit

The Seven of Wands is a card in the Suit of Wands. In Tarot, all suits have their own specific energy and reflect certain aspects of life.

The Suit of Wands represents energy, inspiration, and passion. It reflects our beliefs, ideals, and creativity, and the spark that lives within each of our souls.

It is represented by the element of fire, which is temperamental and wild. It creates and destroys, and is constantly burning. There is a magical quality to this element, as it has an energy that we cannot fully understand.

When we consider the Suit of Wands and the element of fire in regard to the Seven of Wands, we can know that the person is standing their ground because of their deep passion and willpower. The person is standing up for their beliefs and the innate ideas that live within him.

The Number Seven in Tarot

The Number Seven in Tarot

When wanting to fully get to know a certain Tarot card, we can have a look at what the number means in numerology, alongside the meaning of the suit.

In Tarot, the number sevens have an element of pause to them. There is a stalemate, and a time for waiting. It suggests that we are on our way towards where we need to be, but still have challenges to face.

In numerology, the number seven reflects our inner desires and the need to find meaning in our lives.

Upright Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

When appearing upright in a Tarot card reading, the Seven of Wands suggests that there are oppositions in your life and obstacles in your way. You are on your way to success, but you aren’t there yet. There are still problems that you need to address, and it is important to stand your ground and fight for what you believe in.

You have what you need in order to stand tall and overcome what is in front of you. You have courage and passion within you, but this doesn’t mean that the fight will be easy.

The challenge you may be facing in the Seven of Wands might come from people who are jealous of your current success or position. People might want to be where you are now and are challenging you for your position.

The Seven of Wands might also suggest that you are not just standing up for yourself, but standing up for other people. Perhaps you are seeing inequality and unfairness around you right now, and need to speak for people who find it difficult to.

Upright Seven of Wands Love Meaning

Wands Love Meaning

When the Seven of Wands appears upright in a love reading, it suggests that challenges are on the horizon, but you have the tools you need to overcome them.

If you are in a relationship, the Seven of Wands suggests that there are external challenges that are affecting the happiness of you and your partner. Family or friends might not approve of your partnership, and therefore are causing difficulties for you both. However, standing your ground and being honest with everyone will allow them to understand you better.

The Seven of Wands also suggests that you or your partner might be building walls and not being completely truthful. Perhaps you are not being honest with your partner about your emotions, or are too scared to fully commit? This needs to be addressed in order to move forward.

If you are single, the Seven of Wands signifies that you are being defensive and not letting anyone in. This is probably because you have been hurt in the past, and therefore are hesitant to begin a new relationship.

It is time to work on yourself and heal old wounds. It will be worth it when you find the right person to share your life with!

Upright Seven of Wands Career and Money Meaning

In career and work readings, the Seven of Wands signifies disruption and disharmony in the workplace, with co-workers causing issues for you. Perhaps someone you work with is jealous of where you are and the success you have and is trying to bring you down.

It is time to stand tall and fight for yourself! You know how great you are at what you do, and so do most people in your life. It can be hard when one or two coworkers are being petty and finding issues when there are none, but it will all blow over soon. Try to not let them get to you, and always remember you deserve your successes.

When it comes to money, the Seven of Wands suggests that you need to protect the financial security and wealth that you have worked hard to attain. This might mean that you sometimes get a bit carefree with money, and tend to splash out a bit too much from time to time. Of course, it is important to treat yourself! However, make sure you keep some money in savings.

Upright Seven of Wands Home and Family Meaning

Upright Seven of Wands

When the Seven of Wands appears upright in a home and family meaning, it suggests that there are oppositions in your home life that are affecting your happiness.

These challenges might be about you, and what you want to do with your life. Perhaps people in your family don’t really agree with your career path or decisions you have made. However, the Seven of Wands suggests that you are on the right track in life, so stand your ground and explain to your family how you feel!

The Seven of Wands also might pop up because you are seeing unfairness in the family that you need to speak up about. Perhaps younger or more vulnerable people are not being listened to, and their opinions are not seen as valid. However, because of your courage, you are able to raise these issues with your loved ones.

Upright Seven of Wands Health Meaning

The Seven of Wands will often pop up in a health reading when you are going through a phase of ill health or stress. This card is seen as a sign of encouragement and tells you that you have the strength to overcome this time!

Visit the doctors to get the ball rolling, and remember to not ignore any health issues.

Reversed Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

If you receive the reversed Seven of Wands in a Tarot reading, you may be fighting a losing battle. There is a conflict somewhere in your life, but you may need to admit defeat on this one. Is the fight really worth the problems it is causing?

You are exhausted right now, and this conflict is really having an impact on your mental health and spiritual growth. Sometimes, you must stand aside and back down for the peace and wellbeing of everyone involved.

You will not get your own way all the time, and you won’t be able to get everyone on your side! Conflict and arguments are a part of life, and sometimes standing your ground is just being stubborn.

There may be a compromise somewhere, so listen to other people’s points of view in order to grow and move on from the situation.

Reversed Seven of Wands Love Meaning

When appearing reversed in a love reading, the Seven of Wands signifies defensiveness and avoidable conflict. If you are in a relationship, there are issues that can be solved if you just listen to each other and consider each of your points of view.

When we fall out with someone we love, it hurts a lot. When we are in love, we are often under the illusion that this person is perfect in every way. But, they are not, and there will be things about this person that you don’t agree with.

Instead of being defensive and stubborn, listen to your partner’s opinions and see things through their perspective. There will be common ground, you just can’t see it yet! Consider if this argument is really worth it, and remember the fantastic things about your partner that made you fall in love with them in the first place.

If you are single, the reversed Seven of Wands can often signify a change for you. Perhaps you have built a wall around yourself and rarely let people in. However, you are beginning to give in to the idea of love and new ways of finding someone special. You may be shy when it comes to romance, but the reversed Seven of Wands suggests that this is changing!

Reversed Seven of Wands Career and Money Meaning

Upright Seven of Wands

When appearing reversed in a career reading, the Seven of Wands suggests that you are becoming lapsed in regard to protecting what you have achieved. There may be conflict and obstacles that are affecting your work-life, and making you feel pretty tired of everything!

However, the Seven of Wands wants you to know that you have worked so hard to get to where you are now, and you need to carry on. Make sure you get help if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and clear your mind of things that don’t really matter.

In regard to finances, the reversed Seven of Wands is a sign that you must be careful about your money. Be cautious when it comes to spending, and don’t throw money at something that you don’t really need.

Reversed Seven of Wands Health Meaning

The reversed Seven of Wands suggests that you need to be aware of any current health conditions that might get worse. It is easy to ignore issues and pretend that they don’t exist, but this will only make things harder for you!

Go to the doctors about any health problems you have in order to get the help you need.

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Let’s look at some FAQs you may have about the Seven of Wands.

Question: What Does the Seven of Wands Tarot Card Mean?

Answer: The Seven of Wands Tarot card suggests that you need to stand up for what you believe in. There are obstacles in your path, but you have the strength to overcome them and continue on your path to success.

Question: Is the Seven of Wands a Yes or No Card?

Answer: The Seven of Wands is a yes card as it is telling you that you have what you need in order to succeed.

Question: What Does the Seven of Wands Mean in a Past Position?

Answer: When appearing in a past position, the Seven of Wands suggests that you have faced and overcome difficulties by standing your ground and being who you are. It is something to be proud of and shows your independence and strength.

Question: What Does the Seven of Wands Mean in a Future Position?

Answer: When appearing in the future position, the Seven of Wands suggests that your behavior now will affect your happiness in the future. You are going to cause unnecessary issues for yourself, and make enemies where there shouldn’t be any!

Be Proud and Stand Your Ground With the Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands is often seen as a negative card as it reflects challenges and obstacles that are in your path to success. However, I think that the Seven of Wands shows to us our strength and ability. Challenges and conflict are a part of life, and it is how we deal with them that makes or breaks us.

Read the true meaning of more tarot cards below:

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