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- Keywords for The High Priestess Tarot Card
- Upright Keywords:
- Reversed Keywords:
- Symbolism and Imagery of The High Priestess Tarot Card
- Upright Meaning of The High Priestess Tarot Card
- Upright High Priestess Love Meaning
- Upright High Priestess Career and Money Meaning
- Upright High Priestess Home and Family Meaning
- Upright High Priestess Health Meaning
- Reversed Meaning of The High Priestess Tarot Card
- Reversed High Priestess Love Meaning
- Reversed High Priestess Career and Money Meaning
- Reversed High Priestess Home and Family Meaning
- Reversed High Priestess Health Meaning
- The High Priestess Tarot Meaning: FAQs
- Connect With Your Inner High Priestess
The High Priestess is the second major arcana card of most traditional Tarot card decks. It is a powerful card that reflects wisdom, intuition, and psychic abilities. Let’s look at what The High Priestess means in regards to love, career, money, health, and family.
Keywords for The High Priestess Tarot Card
Upright Keywords:
- Wisdom
- Secrets
- Psychic Abilities
- Intuition
- Personal Power
- Mystery
- Sensuality
- Sacred Knowledge
Reversed Keywords:
- Repression
- Doubt
- Blockage
- Withdrawal
- Disconnection
Symbolism and Imagery of The High Priestess Tarot Card
The High Priestess is a truly beautiful card and a favorite for many mystics. It is an intriguing card, showing the High Priestess sat between two pillars. The two pillars are black and white, showing the duality of life and the power that the High Priestess maintains. She is the third pillar, acting as a link between the two opposites.
The High Priestess is sat in front of a bright tapestry displaying pomegranates and leaves. This imagery reflects abundance and femininity. The High Priestess is wearing blue and white robes, a horned moon headdress, and a cr0ss on her chest. These reflect her knowledge and understanding of nature, magic, and the earth.
In her hands is a scroll, partly hidden by The High Priestess. She is not looking at the scroll, rather looking straight into the near distance. This suggests that she knows what is on the scroll and is feeling protective over her knowledge.
At her feet lies a crescent moon, a symbol of femininity and psychic energy. She is in tune with nature and the cycles of the earth.
Upright Meaning of The High Priestess Tarot Card
When The High Priestess appears upright in a reading, it suggests that now is the time to go inward and connect with your deep inner psyche. It is a time for pausing, meditating, and developing your intuitions.
She will often show up in a reading when it is time for you to connect with your spiritual side and learn new psychic powers. It is a time for spiritual enlightenment and discovering hidden knowledge. If you are looking for answers to a problem, you must turn to your intuition and take note of your gut feelings. Your intuition will provide you with the answers you are looking for, and allow your soul to be free.
The High Priestess also brings forth strong feminine energy. When appearing in a reading, she wants you to know that connecting with your feminine side is important. Regardless of your gender, The High Priestess is asking you to nurture, create, and connect. There is wisdom to be gained through this.
Upright High Priestess Love Meaning
When The High Priestess appears in a love reading, it will often suggest that your needs are important right now. This is the case both when you are single and in a relationship.
If you are single, the Tarot is telling you that it is time now to concentrate on you and your personal growth, with love taking a backseat. It does suggest that you may be single for a while, but don’t worry! This is because you need to develop your spiritual and emotional side so when love comes, it is perfect. Take a step back from seeking love and take some time to develop your own personal power. Spirituality and wisdom are what your soul needs right now.
If you are in a relationship, The High Priestess highlights the importance of spending time without your partner in order for your relationship to grow. It is okay to not tell your partner everything and to not be constantly in communication with them. In order to curate a healthy and passionate relationship, spending time alone is really important. It also means that you can spend time on your spiritual and emotional growth!
Upright High Priestess Career and Money Meaning
When appearing upright in a career and money reading, The High Priestess reflects a time of seeking knowledge and inspiration. New ideas and work goals will soon appear and this might cause a change of career.
The High Priestess is wanting you to take a look at your true inner dreams and desires. What is it that you are actually wanting from your work life? Are you getting it right now? Or, do you need to change things up and follow a new path?
If you have to make big choices in regards to your career, you must listen to your gut intuition and not what the people around you are saying. Friends and family are trying to help you, telling you what you should do, but this advice should be put to one side right now. Take time to meditate on your career and work out what you really want, listening to what your intuition is telling you.
In regards to money, The High Priestess is telling you that different forms of abundance are important right now. It is time to concentrate on knowledge and spiritual development rather than material goods.
Upright High Priestess Home and Family Meaning
The High Priestess in a home and family reading signifies a time apart from loved ones. This might be a physical time apart, perhaps a trip away from your home in order to follow your dreams and goals. Or, it might just mean that you spend more time alone, concentrating on your spiritual pursuits and inner wisdom.
This distance will feel completely natural and when you and your friends and family reconnect, you will all feel much more better for it. It is important to have separate lives and to have your own goals and dreams aside from your family and friends. This separation will allow your love for those around you to grow, and you will become so grateful for them!
Upright High Priestess Health Meaning
When The High Priestess appears in a health reading, it suggests that you must listen to what your body is telling you. If you think that anything is wrong, listen to your intuition and seek the help that you need.
The High Priestess is a deeply spiritual card and therefore suggests that you may be ignoring this side of you. When it comes to health, emotional and spiritual health is just as important as physical health. The High Priestess is asking you if you would feel better pursuing spiritual activities such as meditation or yoga.
Reversed Meaning of The High Priestess Tarot Card
When reversed, The High Priestess suggests that you are repressing your spiritual side and not allowing your intuition to guide you. You are disconnected from your inner wisdom and strength and doubt yourself when making decisions.
The Tarot is telling you that you hold other people’s beliefs in higher standing than your own, and this is not helping you develop as a person. Of course, listening to your loved ones is super important when making decisions as they care a lot about you! But, ultimately, your own opinion is the one that matters the most. Your intuition is there for you to listen to and to guide you, but self-doubt has made it hard. You seek approval from others and this means that your behavior is affected.
The reversed High Priestess also wants you to be aware that those that give you advice might not be doing it for the right reasons. You may be thinking that they want the best for you, but this might not be the case. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the world are self-centered and you need to watch out for this.
The Tarot wants you to know that you do have the inner power to guide you, you just need to tap into it!
Reversed High Priestess Love Meaning
When it comes to love, the reversed High Priestess is telling you that you got to start listening to what your gut is telling you! If you are single, do not ignore your intuitions when you are out and about on the dating scene.
Your friends, family, and society might be telling you that you must be dating a specific type of person. But, perhaps your intuition is telling you something different! Listen to what your heart is saying, and follow it. Similarly, if you are dating someone and something feels off, listen to your gut. You might not be able to explain your intuition and why you feel this way, but it is important to listen to it. Our instincts are there to protect us.
If you are in a relationship, make sure that you are getting your say and not just going along with what your partner wants. You might need to take some time out for yourself in order for your relationship to grow.
Reversed High Priestess Career and Money Meaning
The High Priestess reversed suggests that you are feeling disconnected from your workplace and can’t work out why. Perhaps your coworkers are not actually who you think they are and wouldn’t think twice about throwing you under the bus. You are becoming withdrawn from your work life and this is not helping your career at all.
It is time to turn inward and listen to what your instinct is telling you about your career. Are you in the career that you really wish to be in? What are your ultimate hopes and dreams in regard to work?
Remember, it is never good to stick to a job just because you think you should. A job might seem safe and secure, but if you do not enjoy it you will ultimately just feel disconnected and unsatisfied. There is a side of you that is seeking new knowledge and growth, but you are ignoring this call. Why is this? It is time to address your self-doubt and discover what you need to follow your dreams.
Reversed High Priestess Home and Family Meaning
When The High Priestess is reversed in a home and family position, it suggests that it might be time to spend time apart from your loved ones to work on your own spiritual growth. You seem to rely too heavily on the approval and respect of the people that you love, but this is not helping you thrive as a person. Of course, what those around you think is important, but what you think is too.
Take some time to listen to your intuition and discover who you truly are. It is time to understand your goals, dreams, and passions as an independent soul. It is time to get spiritually connected with the universe around you!
Reversed High Priestess Health Meaning
The reversed High Priestess will appear in a health reading when you are feeling disconnected from your physical body and emotional health. You may be ignoring any aches and pains that are bothering you and not seeking the help that you need!
The Tarot wants you to know that it is time to reconnect with your body and allow it to heal. Go see the doctor about any issues that you have been ignoring and be open with them about what is bugging you.
Yoga, pilates, and tai chi are all great ways to connect with yourself and open the bridge between mind and body. These practices allow you to feel what you need to feel and address any pains and issues that you may be facing. They also are great for developing your spiritual side.
The High Priestess Tarot Meaning: FAQs
Let’s take a look at some FAQs about The High Priestess Tarot card.
Question: What Does The High Priestess Mean In Tarot?
Answer: The High Priestess is asking you to listen to your intuition. It is time to turn inward and explore your inner power and knowledge.
Question: Is The High Priestess a Yes or No Card?
Answer: The High Priestess is a yes card, asking you to listen to your gut in this situation.
Question: What Element Is Linked To The High Priestess?
Answer: The High Priestess is linked to the element of water, which reflects emotions, healing, and purity. She is also connected with the Moon, reflecting feminine cycles and intuition.
Question: What Does The High Priestess Mean as a Person?
Answer: As a person, The High Priestess represents a strong, mysterious, and confident person. She is often a mystic and very intriguing, with people around her in awe of her.
Question: What Does The High Priestess In Present Position Mean?
Answer: When The High Priestess pops up in a present position, the Tarot is telling you to follow your hunches and listen to what your soul is telling you.
Connect With Your Inner High Priestess
The High Priestess is a deeply meaningful card, representing inner wisdom and truth. It brings forth a time of turning inward and listening to your psychic powers. When she appears in a reading, it is time to connect with your inner High Priestess!
Let yourself be guided spiritually and you soon will find growth and discovery.
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